Monday, July 11, 2011

New blog!

My life has been far too hectic lately, so I haven't kept up with this blog. But I started a new one that is much more suited to my short attention span and lack of time. Enjoy!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New beginnings...

I'm contemplating a new layout for my blog posts. Since the name of my blog is Live.Love.Matter., I've decided to really embrace this mantra within all of my posts. In each post I will talk about how I'm livin', what I'm lovin' and why those things matter to me on that particular occasion.

Without further ado, here goes:

Livin': Today I'm living with a little bit of fear and a little bit of excitement for what lies ahead for me in life. As of right now I am committed to having a great last year of my undergraduate experience--living life with no regrets--but I am also nervous for the transition into the real world. All my life I have been really successful at being a student and I am not sure how I will adjust to having a 9-5!

Lovin': Today I'm loving good times with old friends. I've had the same wonderful best friend since age two and I cannot imagine life without her. We had a great time at the Laura Marling concert in SF on July 27:

Listen to her, now! She is absolutely amazing. And her opening act, Dylan LeBlanc, was pretty talented too.

Why this all matters: I think life is about transitions, but all of your experiences and the people you surround yourself with shape the way that you handle those changes. It means the world to me to know that I have wonderful people who love and support me no matter what, even when I have no idea what path to take next.  Change--and the unfamiliarity of new situations--is the catalyst for creation and ingenuity. The pieces of my past will form a new future, and I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I'll keep you posted!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back on Track

Hey lovelies! Wow it has been forever since I have posted anything to this blog. Life and responsibilities kind of took over I guess. Now I'm on summer break, though I am still taking a summer school class and working. So it is not much of a break. But I gotta make some moneh! And I love my job, so that helps. Hmmm what's new in the life of Elsie? Well I trained for and completed a marathon, while juggling work and a full class load. That's pretty cool I guess.  :)

Ugh well I must go to sleep so I can wake up early and do it all over again. Can't wait for summer school to be over! I leave you with my latest musical obsession, Matt Wertz. You MUST listen to the song "Voices." I am in lurrrrrrrve with that song. Bon nuit!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Three more weeks

Until this semester is over! I'm definitely ready for all of my classes to be over; these past few months have been super-busy and super-stressful. Thanksgiving break is over (back to Berkeley tomorrow morning insanely early) so now I really have to focus on school. All I have standing between me and winter break are three papers and two finals. Oh and about a million pages of reading to catch up on. This will be me for the next three weeks:

Well, except for the fact that I hope I can stay awake studying, haha. Ok, time for me to get to bed so that I can wake up and go back to Berk. Hope you all had a great holiday!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's My Birthday! :)

Yay for me! I'm 20 years old today. Kind of an awkward age though...officially an adult, but still under 21. Now that I'm not a teenager, I feel like I have to grow up. :( Well today was lovely. My family drove down to Berkeley and took me out to lunch at this cute French restaurant/cafe. It was nice! Then I came back home and was lazy for a while, then my friend took me out to dinner at this good Italian place. All in all, a pretty good birthday.

Here's a picture of the delicious creme brulee from lunch: YUM! Good night everyone. :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gym motivation...

Is it weird that when I was at the gym this morning I was motivated by a muscular black man? Ha ha, let me explain. I always see him at the gym rocking out with his ipod and having a blast. So this morning it hit me: though workouts are painful and tiring, they can also be fun and invigorating. I worked out harder this morning than I have in a long time, because I kept reminding myself to have fun and focus on the awesome payoff--feeling and being healthier. So yeah, I've had a pretty great morning here so far.  Life is good!

P.S. check out this site that I got the picture from:   Isn't it super cute??

Monday, November 2, 2009

Quick random tired thoughts

Woke up and hit the gym this morning! It was sooooo good. And I love that the new time change makes it brighter earlier in the morning--it makes it much easier to wake up uber-early. Aaaaagh I can't wait to go home this weekend! And I have the concert to look forward to in 3 days! It will be so much fun.

Quick post tonight; I'm sleepy and must get some sleep so I can wake up and do this all over again. Let's end tonight's post with an awesome website I found: It is sooooooo cool! I love and want everything on that site. Ok, good night! Much love from me to you!

I have this card posted on my bulletin board above my desk...I have to keep reminding myself to do all of these things! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A New Start

So I went to the gym this morning. It was wonderful--60+ min of cardio! And the time change was nice too; I can always use an extra hour of zzzzzzzz-time. Anyway, I think I will start a new tradition with this blog: on the first post of every month I will write down my goals for that month. Then at the end of the month I can see what I've accomplished. 

My goals for November are:
  • Work out EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
  • Finish assignments at least a week in advance so that I can talk with professors, GSIs, etc to improve papers before turning them in
  • Keep up with reading in all classes
Hopefully I can stick to these three goals! I have confidence in myself. :)

Song for the day: Kings of Leon-"The Bucket" (CSS Remix). Happy Sunday!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone is having a great night! As for myself, I'm holed up in my apartment sipping hot cocoa and reading Anna Karenina--how's that for nerdy? Ha ha. I guess I'm not much of a Halloween person. Anyway, Regina Spektor was amazing last night. Her opening band was pretty freakin' awesome too. They were called Jupiter One. Listen to them. :) Bye for now.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Great start to the day!

So I got up and went to the gym at 6 this morning. I had a great workout, and it really cleared my head. These last couple weeks have been pretty crazy and stressful. Thankfully I have a bit of a break until my birthday, but then it's paper time again. I'm going to take every spare second of relaxation that I can, though. Because I really don't want to burn out. Anyway, I'm really really really excited about a couple of awesome concerts in the next two weeks. This Friday, October 30th, is REGINA SPEKTOR!!!! She's so amazing. And then the following Thursday, November 5th, is MAT KEARNEY! He's great too. I can't wait. I'm going with my favorite sister (she's my only sister haha) and one of my best friends. Ok, time to get ready for work. Love!